Notice of CHAC AGM

Notice of CHAC AGM

Please be aware that this years AGM will be on Thursday 15th November in the clubhouse. A buffet will be provided beforehand and members will also be requested to sign in. The meeting will commence promptly at 7.30pm, so training will be reduced on that... read more

Committee Meeting Minutes 23.3.18

Committee Meeting Minutes 23.3.18

Colchester Harriers AC Minutes of committee meeting :-​Tuesday 23/03/2018 Apologies :-​Caroline Sutton, Rachael Abbott Minutes from the last meeting accepted and approved Meeting started with a discussion over club kit; SD - raised having black shorts as a standard requirement for all competing athletes, this would provide a uniform identity and is something other clubs make a requirement. LW – Confirmed he had spoken to British Athletics who stated that the kit registered Green Singlets, tops long and short with the Harrier logo, there was not mention of black shorts or... read more

Committee Meeting Minutes Oct 10

Committee Meeting Minutes Oct 10

Draft minutes of Committee Meeting held at 7.45pm on Tuesday 10 October 2017 at Garrison Club House, Colchester, Essex. Club President Lance Williams welcomed Committee Members and invited members. Secretary Dave Smith unable to attend. Sally Dobson updated the Committee on a Junior event taking place at the track on Saturday 14 October 2017. Event would include a run, jump and throw. the Club minimal JUNIOR AWARDS At 7pm onFriday 24 November 2017 at Stanway Rovers Football Club, New farm Road, Colchester. POSSIBLE FUTURE EVENT. Sunday lunch after training at Club House.... read more

Colchester Harriers Athletic Club Travel Expense Policy

Colchester Harriers Athletic Club Travel Expense Policy

The club recognises that the members in competition benefit from the support of their coaches. The club is also committed to coach development and the support of the club’s volunteers. The club will therefore reimburse members for reasonable travel expenses when they accompany their athletes to events, to approved training courses or other approved club business Where travel is by car this will normally be by mileage used, at the rate of 20p per mile. Any other costs must be agreed with the committee prior to incurring the expenditure. The club will not normally reimburse these... read more

Minutes of Colchester Harrier Committee Meeting Pegasus Club Garrison Track 29th August 2017

Minutes of Colchester Harrier Committee Meeting Pegasus Club Garrison Track 29th August 2017

Present: Dave Smith (Club Secretary) Chris Jeggo (Membership Secretary & Chair) Jacqui Young (SAL Team Manager) Dominic King Co-opted Members: Sally Dobson Apologies: Lance Williams (President) Caroline Sutton ( Treasurer) Rachel Abbott Chris Akehurst Daniel King Dave Lacy Jo Speller (EYAL Team Manager) Louise Stevens ( SAL Team Manager) John Stevens ( SAL Team Manager) Paul Strutt 1 Apologies The apologies were accepted, the chair thanked those who were able to attend the meeting. 2 Minutes of Meeting - The minutes of 11th July were approved as accurate and... read more

Minutes of Colchester Harrier Committee Meeting Pegasus Club Garrison Track 11th July 2017

Minutes of Colchester Harrier Committee Meeting Pegasus Club Garrison Track 11th July 2017

Present: Chris Jeggo (Membership Secretary & Chair) Caroline Sutton ( Treasurer) Rachel Abbott, Chris Akehurst, Dave Lacy Paul Strutt Co-opted Members Jo Speller (EYAL Team Manager) Sally Dobson Apologies Lance Williams (President) Dave Smith ( Club Secretary) Louise Stevens ( SAL Team Manager) John Stevens ( SAL Team Manager) Becky Cooke Daniel King Dominic King Chris Manby Rachel Rodgers Paul Rodgers Jacqui Young ( SAL Team Manager) 1 Apologies The apologies were accepted, the chair thanked those who were able to attend the meeting. 2 Minutes of... read more

Minutes of Committee Meeting 23rd May, Approved 11/07/2017

Minutes of Committee Meeting 23rd May, Approved 11/07/2017

1 Apologies The apologies were accepted, the chair thanked those who were able to attend the meeting at short notice. 2. Committee Structure The options were discussed on how to fill the roles of - Chairman - Secretary - Membership Secretary These roles are open to those that have been members for over two years. With a disappointing response to previous attempts it was agreed for a more personalised approached would be tried. It should be emphasised that the roles can include a minimum of tasks. A list of tasks involved for each role is to be published. 3 Club Strategy - It... read more

Committee Meeting 7th March 2017

Committee Meeting 7th March 2017

Minutes of Colchester Harrier Committee Meeting Pegasus Club Garrison Track 7th March 2017 Present: Apologies Lance Williams (President) Caroline Sutton ( Treasurer) Dave Smith ( Club Secretary) Becky Cooke Chris Jeggo (Membership Secretary & Chair) Dominic King Rachel Abbott, Chris Manby Chris Akehurst, Jacqui Young ( SAL Team Manager) Daniel King Dave Lacy Rachel Rodgers Paul Rodgers Paul Strutt Co-opted Members Jo Speller (EYAL Team Manager) John Stevens ( SAL Team Manager) Louise Stevens ( SAL Team Manager) 1 Apologies The apologies were accepted 2. Previous... read more

Chairman’s AGM report 2016

Chairman’s AGM report 2016

As many of you know tonight, I am standing down as Chairman. I have been a member since 1983 and a Committee Member for almost 30 years. In that time I have been involved in almost all the big decisions affecting the Club over the years. Some members objected to change and during 1988 when I campaigned for the Club to affiliate to the AAA, a group of members left and formed another Club named Team 88. I  believe they only lasted about two years and haven’t been heard of since. The past year been very interesting, the Club has been very successful in all forms of Athletics. Our joint... read more