Minutes of AGM held on Friday 22nd January 2021

Minutes of AGM held on Friday 22nd January 2021

Apologies:Angus Holford, Caroline Sutton, Lydia Cunningham, Tonie Wilson Minutes of the last AGMAccepted with no matters arisingProposed by Paul Preston, Seconded by Allen Smalls Acting Chairman’s report (Chris Akehurst)Issues covered:• 2020 AGM delayed due to COVID-19.• Thanks were given to Lance Williams and Rachel Abbott for their long service and dedication to the club following their resignation as Officers• Thanks extended to members of sub committees for their work in getting the track reopened during the pandemic.• Season highlight reports from both sub committees... read more

Minutes of committee meeting on 14th January 2021

Minutes of committee meeting on 14th January 2021

Present:  Chris Akehurst, Keith Marley, Allen Smalls, Maxine Simon and Sally Dobson Apologies:  Nicola Hilson, Richard Pickering Minutes of last meeting: accepted Matters arising from Minutes: Kit:  CA had spoken to LW who confirmed the club has a 2 year contract with Samurai – which is due to expire this year.  KM confirmed no new monies received from sales but that our credit may have built up within our account with them.  CA to continue to investigate. Covid Update:   everything is closed.  Await new instruction from Government before... read more

Minutes of Zoom Committee Meeting on Tuesday 24th November 2020

Minutes of Zoom Committee Meeting on Tuesday 24th November 2020

Colchester Harriers AC Zoom Meeting Minutes Tuesday 24th November 2020 Present Chris Akehurst (Vice Chairman)                     Keith Marley (Treasurer) Paul Preston (Membership Secretary)           Allen Smalls Sally Dobson                          ... read more

Minutes of Management Committee Meeting on Tuesday 31st March 2020

Minutes of meeting held by Zoom Video/Audio at 7pm on Tuesday 31 March 2020, set up and led by Vice Chairman Chris Akehurst. Members attending: Chris Akehurst, Lance Williams, Secretary and Chairman, Sally Dobson, Nicola Hilson, Allen Smalls, Rachel Abbott, Paul Preston. Apologies from absence: Caroline Sutton, Keith Marley (work commitments) and Dave Wright. Minutes of previous meeting held on Tuesday 18 February 2020. Seen by all members and agreed. Matters arising from minutes: Lance updated Committee on his visit to our Kit Suppliers in Norwich. The company Samurai is an... read more

Minutes of Management Committee Meeting on Tuesday 18th Feb 2020

Members present Chris Akehurst, Paul Preston, Keith Marley, Nicola Hilson and Lance Williams. Apologies for absence Rachel Abbott, Caroline Sutton, Sally Dobson and Paul Dellar. (Reasons given were acceptable) Secretary’s report Paul Dellar has offered his resignation in writing as Club Secretary for personal acceptable reasons. He will continue with publishing race and event results. Paul was thanked for his contribution and he will be missed. Lance offered to take on role as Club Secretary until the 2020 AGM. He will remain as Club Chair and Chris as Vice Chair. Chris will take... read more

Minutes of Track and Field Committee 28 January 2020

Minutes of Track and Field Committee 28 January 2020

Present: Max Simon, Sarah Palmer, Sam Hart, Rebecca Jeggo, Sally Dobson Apologies: Jen Palmer, Dave Smith Budget: Dave Smith had forwarded expenditure to date with some items yet to be purchased but amount accounted for.  Noted that the Essex Recoil Polevault needs adding into spreadsheet.  Total expenditure so far £3075.3 Potential to purchase some more equipment such as Starting Blocks for members to use in training MS informed that James Hamblin will be undertaking his Coaching Assistant qualification in February with the intention of coaching the throws... read more

Minutes of Track and Field Committee 26 November 2019

Minutes of Track and Field Committee 26 November 2019

Minutes Present : Maxine Simon, Sally Dobson, Sam Hart, Rebecca Jeggo, David Smith, Jenny Palmer Sally Dobson – EYAL AGM Summary Affiliation fees due £50.00 DS to pass to Keith Marley for paymentSD agreed to CHAC hosting a home meeting Sunday May 3rd DS confirmed date provisionally booked with SodexoSD asked Rebecca and Jenny for help from the BTEC students taking sports coaching qualifications to set up the hurdles 10.00-12.30.Agreed at EYAL meeting to a maximum of  5 x N/S competitors from each club in 100m 200m and sprint hurdles races.Host can be asked by visiting clubs... read more

Committee Meeting Minutes

Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the club committee meeting, 31 January 2019, can be found here CHAC Committee meeting minutes... read more

Committe Meeting Minutes

Committe Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the club committee meeting, 9th October 2018, can be found here   CHAC Committe minutes... read more