Notice of CHAC AGM

Notice of CHAC AGM

Thursday 25 November 7.30pm Pegasus Club House A quorum of at least 25 fully paid up members aged over 14 (Parents are encouraged to attend with their athletes) are required to attend the AGM where the new Management Committee will be elected. A notice has been displayed in the club house since Thursday 21 October, which includes a sign up sheet for nominations of Officers / Chairs of Sub Committees. Motions for the AGM must be received by the Secretary in writing at least 14 daysprior to the meeting (11 November). The motion must be proposed and seconded and the proposerand... read more

Minutes of Colchester Harrier AC online Zoom Committee Meeting 24 February 2021

Minutes of Colchester Harrier AC online Zoom Committee Meeting 24 February 2021

Items ActionMatters arising from Minutes: KIT: SD and DS reported on meeting held via zoom with  representative of Samurai. Club owed £1285 from sales. £4k of stock is available in  warehouse. Cost of producing bespoke kit and numbers available at the  club does not make this a sustainable option. Essex County AA T & F Sub Committee mtg: SD attended zoom mtg. Feedback was given from members  of club to help EAA formulate structure of Champs this year.  Potentially 8 /9 May (there may be a contingency if  restrictions do not allow for this) but a restricted schedule. ... read more

Colchester Harriers AC online Committee Meeting Minutes 27 January 2021

Colchester Harriers AC online Committee Meeting Minutes 27 January 2021

Present:  DS, RT, KM, PP, PM, AS, MS, SD Chair: DS welcomed the new committee and opened the meeting. Club secretary: Matters arising from Minutes: Kit:  SD contacted Samurai on 25 January, requesting an inventory of assets held at warehouse in Norwich as well as a copy of the contract.  Account handler was unable to provide any information as working remotely but would get back with details asap. Company been hit hard by second lockdown and operating on skeleton staff. SD to set up a zoom meeting with Samurai, DS and KM. COVID-19:   Schools potentially going... read more