Notice of AGM 2022

CHAC’s AGM will be held on Thursday 13 October at 7.30pm in the Pegasus Clubhouse, North Circular Road.

Training times will be adjusted accordingly to ensure we meet the quorum required of twenty-five members.

All fully paid-up members who are 14 years of age and over are currently  eligible and encouraged to attend and vote at the AGM.  This is your club. 

As per the Club’s Constitution, any proposal for motions must be submitted in writing to the temporary  Club Secretary ( Insert who is new Club Sec) )  at least 14 days prior to the meeting (1st October). There is no “other business” option on the agenda of an AGM. Members wishing to raise a point must either place a proposal on the Agenda as detailed above or ask the chairman for discussion time after the conclusion of the meeting .  The motion must be proposed and seconded and the proposer and seconder must attend the meeting.

At the AGM the following Officers will be elected: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Club Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary, Welfare Officers x2.   The Chairs of the Endurance and Track and Field Sub Committees will also be elected. Nomination forms are posted on the CHAC notice board inside the Pegasus Club House.

To be proposed as an Officer the Member must have paid membership for two full years.