Minutes of Track and Field Committee 28 January 2020
Present: Max Simon, Sarah Palmer, Sam Hart, Rebecca Jeggo, Sally Dobson
Apologies: Jen Palmer, Dave Smith
Budget: Dave Smith had forwarded expenditure to date with some items yet to be purchased but amount accounted for. Noted that the Essex Recoil Polevault needs adding into spreadsheet. Total expenditure so far £3075.3
Potential to purchase some more equipment such as Starting Blocks for members to use in training
MS informed that James Hamblin will be undertaking his Coaching Assistant qualification in February with the intention of coaching the throws squad. Cost and date of this TBC. SD to ask for request in writing from James.
Teams / Meets:
SAL: Sam Starter sorted, coaches booked, officials needed, Letters / Numbers to be sorted
A pencilled June date for a further home meet was advised against given the amount of work required to host. Sam to inform SAL committee.
EYAL: starter booked, coaches booked, officials in hand although need confirmation of Field Ref. Letters / Numbers to be ordered (In one order with SAL). EYAL Whats App Group to be updated with meet dates and info.
Suggested that a club wide call out for help is posted on FB listing jobs required filling as no one on committee have hosted a meet before!
Teams: hope that SAL will benefit from a large influx of endurance runners who are now comfy using the track. DS has been moving youngsters into groups from the waiting list which is now open.
MS informed that the EYAL scheduled for 31 May has not been granted a permit by EA. Results will not be uploaded on Power of Ten. Discussion as to viability of meet. SD to seek advice from Coaches / EYAL committee.
Masters: need confirmation if a Masters team will be competing this year and who are Team Managers
SD has been in contact with a couple of First Aid providers: quotes at present are £280 per meet.
Safety issues mentioned about athletes still not using correct lanes for warm up and cool downs as well as bunching on the finish line and using wrong lanes for training. Athletes to have a clearer understanding of what training involves for each event i.e turn arounds for sprinters (for a coaches mtg)
Suggestion that when new track is laid an outer perimeter track / path is created for warmup / cool downs
RJ: requested that the shingle around the edges of the track close to the Pavillion be removed and replaced with a more suitable filler – as stones are always in the track and are a potential hazard.
SD suggested that having two 100m starting points would benefit meets and training to avoid bunching on one side of the track.
DS not available to update on news from Sodexo and track closure
A mtg is yet to take place when all involved can attend
Glyn Whymark has informed that he is unable to coach at the present time due to ill health. Chris A is hoping to re-arrange his sessions to account for this.
Steve Garnham and DS to attend a Mtg with Essex University Athletics Club re number of students attending sessions and expectations ( a clearer policy on this would aid the situation – coaches mtg / Main committee).
Safety: a reminder to go out about dropping athletes on the main road by the gates and also about not dropping children too early for sessions leaving then unattended.
Awards Night: no date has been published for the senior awards night; suggestion that next year T & F hold either an SAL only or a full T & F event.