Minutes of Management Committee Meeting on Tuesday 18th Feb 2020
Members present Chris Akehurst, Paul Preston, Keith Marley, Nicola Hilson and Lance Williams.
Apologies for absence Rachel Abbott, Caroline Sutton, Sally Dobson and Paul Dellar. (Reasons given were acceptable)
Secretary’s report Paul Dellar has offered his resignation in writing as Club Secretary for personal acceptable reasons. He will continue with publishing race and event results. Paul was thanked for his contribution and he will be missed. Lance offered to take on role as Club Secretary until the 2020 AGM. He will remain as Club Chair and Chris as Vice Chair. Chris will take lead at meetings assisted by Lance.
Minutes of last meeting read by members present, no matters arising not covered by agenda items following this evening.
Senior awards presentation Discussion took place and it was decided to postpone 2019 awards unless any member/s volunteer to take full responsibility for arranging event and venue. Further discussion took place and it was proposed that Junior and Senior Awards could be held on same day. Juniors in the afternoon and Seniors that same evening. Club House Manager to been seen to see if this arrangement is viable. It was noted that 2019 Junior event was held during a Sunday afternoon and was a success.
Track Fees Open discussion led by Paul Preston. Proposed that track fees should be set annually and paid quarterly in advance. Annual rate in first instant at £100.00pa collectable by webcollect, direct debit and other arrangements as required. Quarterly fee £25.00. It was noted that the greater majority of members with regular attendance would greatly benefit. Committee Members agreed that the days of someone collecting at the gate was in this day and age unacceptable. Further discussions on possible rebates for long term illness, injury and holiday breaks. Proposed start date 1 April 2020. Paul also reported on a small number of non members who train on regular club nights are paying the same fee as full members. Considered not acceptable. Discrepancy to be further researched by Paul and suggested fee of £5.00 per session for participating non members.
Club Kit and online shop
Some members have expressed concerns re sizing of ladies vests and availability of junior kit. This is our first year with this facility and Committee members realised that this year
could be difficult. We carried a lot of ‘old stock’ mostly items difficult to dispose of. We also had concerns re quantity we needed to hold and types of core items. There was also cost implications as all stock had to be paid for up front and there was a delay of some 4 to 6 weeks for manufacture. This is normal and our long term suppliers also had a delivery time of 4 to 6 weeks. Lance will be visiting Norwich in the near future and he intends to visit our supplier based in Long Stratton a few miles short of Norwich on the A140. He will make an appointment to meet staff and report hopefully at next meeting.
Chair report Chris reported that he was in possession of February 2020 Regional Council report referring to the ‘Development of a new Strategy for England Athletic.’ Report to be published on Club Website and available to members. Chris Informed meeting that he had received Track and Field Sub Committee minutes and were accepted. No reports received from Endurance and Cross Country No representative at meeting. Essex League XC at Hillyfields was a success. Thanks to John Sanders and John Hyland for their continued support and leadership. Also thanks to members who attended on day to assist. Discussed Essex Road relays being hosted by Club during March. No representative present but Lance was able to confirm that he had spoken with Steve Absolon and Club House Manager and completed application form for event. Event solely on MOD property, CBC not interested but informed by Lance. First Aid arranged. Paul Preston hosting a junior relay race prior to the main event and all County affiliated Clubs invited to submit teams. Response to date encouraging and monies raised for general Club funds.. 2020 Track meetings to be hosted by Club on 3 an 17 May 2020. Volunteers needed on day, names too Sally. First Aid has been contacted, dates reserved awaiting confirmation on requirements by Sally. Race Walk Centurion 100 mile challenge within 24 hours to be held in Castle Park on Saturday/Sunday 8/9 August 2020. Event being hosted by Centurion Club Members. In the past CHAC hosted event, If this years goes ahead, help before, during and at finish would be gratefully received. Our Club can boast 5 successful athletes competing at same location this century.
Sub Committee Budgets Discussed, no update at time of meeting. Budgets to remain as 2019 subject to unforeseen additional authorised expenses.
Any other business Two members raised subject of Facebook. Appear that site is becoming the main course of communication for Club business. Committee agreed that social media can be very useful to members who have and frequently use FB. Not all members have access to these sites and some parents deny access to FB and similar sites. Important that Coaches and Officials use either webcollect or Club website for official Club information. Many Coaches have access and can circulate to group/age category members or whole membership.
There been other business meeting closed at 9.10pm.