Minutes of AGM held on Friday 22nd January 2021
Angus Holford, Caroline Sutton, Lydia Cunningham, Tonie Wilson
Minutes of the last AGM
Accepted with no matters arising
Proposed by Paul Preston, Seconded by Allen Smalls
Acting Chairman’s report (Chris Akehurst)
Issues covered:
• 2020 AGM delayed due to COVID-19.
• Thanks were given to Lance Williams and Rachel Abbott for their long service and dedication to the club following their resignation as Officers
• Thanks extended to members of sub committees for their work in getting the track reopened during the pandemic.
• Season highlight reports from both sub committees have been posted on the website.
• Thanks were extended to Dave Wright and Nate Filer for the organisation of handicapped cross country races during the pandemic.
• COVID-19 has resulted in a reduction in coaches – severe impact specifically for Junior member. Focus for new committee to recruit new volunteers.
• Having received no nominations prior to the AGM for the posts of Chair and Vice Chair, CA invited willing attendees to stand for election. Dave Smith and Rick Thompson stepped forwards, proposed by Lance Williams and seconded by Rebecca Jeggo.
• LW offered himself as Senior Endurance Welfare Officer – proposed and seconded by
Life Members:
CA announced that the committee were delighted to offer Life Membership to Rick Thompson and Rob Earle for their long service to the club in various capacities including Coaching, Officiating, Competitor and Committee Members.
Treasurer’s Report:
Keith Marley presented an Income and Expenditure statement for the previous 14 months to 31 December 2020 showing a net cash in-flow was £3,440 The impact of COVID reduced both income and expenditure, with no track hire being incurred since April 2020.
Bank account balances at 31.12.20 were £xxxxx.xx
Committee had met early in 2020 to discuss a new membership fee structure – as the only consistent income stream available to the club. Once normal training has resumed these needs further discussion.
Kit: JW queried expenditure of Club Kit over and above that already reported at the last AGM. LW and CA explained that at present stock levels were not known due to the storage at the Garrison being locked and Samurai rep not replying to messages.
LW is holding approx. £200 of kit plus 2 coaches/ officials coats at his property and are ready for collection by the new kit rep. All kit purchased by the club and is held by Samurai at their base in Norwich.
SD asked LW to forward the contract.
CA reported this should be a priority of the new committee to investigate.
Accounts: CA reported that he had been in contact with a prospective independent auditor and
will forward details to the new committee.
Election of Officers:
The following were nominated and elected unopposed:
Chair Dave Smith
Vice Chair Rick Thompson
Secretary Sally Dobson
Treasurer Keith Marley
Membership Secretary Paul Preston
Welfare Officer Maxine Simon (Juniors), Lance Williams (Seniors)
Website Allen Smalls
Sub Committees
Chair Endurance Richard Pickering
Chair Track & Field Sally Dobson (interim)
General committee members:
Paul Mingay
AOB; No items had been received in writing prior to the AGM
MW as Hon President gave a vote of thanks to CA for all his work and services to the club and wished the new Committee well in their future endeavours.
CA handed over to DS: who thanked CA for hosting the mtg, and to previous officers for their work. Highlighted that it had been good to see members from different sections of the club working together during a tough year.
Meeting Closed at 20.16