Colchester Harriers AC online Committee Meeting Minutes 27 January 2021

Present:  DS, RT, KM, PP, PM, AS, MS, SD


DS welcomed the new committee and opened the meeting.

Club secretary:

Matters arising from Minutes:

Kit:  SD contacted Samurai on 25 January, requesting an inventory of assets held at warehouse in Norwich as well as a copy of the contract.  Account handler was unable to provide any information as working remotely but would get back with details asap. Company been hit hard by second lockdown and operating on skeleton staff. SD to set up a zoom meeting with Samurai, DS and KM.

COVID-19:   Schools potentially going back 8 March, UK Sport may react a week after this. Club to ensure all RA up to date to enable a return to training should Sodexo allow. 

DS has contacted Steve Absolon requesting that those members who are on BA funding pathway have access to facilities as set out in UKA guidelines.

East Region Council – Club Forum:  no one attended on behalf of the club.

Essex County AA:  14 February  Zoom meeting for T & F reps from Clubs to discuss future of championships.  SD has replied to county secretary accepting invite.  SD has sent info to all T & F coaches as well as T & F committee for comment.

Role of Committees:  Initial discussion around role of Sub committees and Main committee, with devolvement of day-to-day business being undertaken by Subs with own budgets.   Terms of Reference to be drawn up by committees for discussion at next meeting.

Treasurer report:

Income of £71 been received since AGM for training fees.

KM to look into changing names on account to reflect new committee.

Membership Secretary:

PP advised that a new volunteer had stepped forwards as a result of the AGM with an offer to assist him as Membership Secretary.  Offer was accepted wholeheartedly and look forward to welcoming Tammy Belshaw as a club Volunteer.

Welfare Officer:  

Nothing new to report.


Track license will be renewed in March. All documents need to be ready. DS and SD to collate.

Notification of new Committee to ECAA, Eastern Counties AA, South of England AA , England Athletics all in process of being completed.

Club Development plan:  SD to contact John Sanders and Paul Hicks.

Coach Development:  SD to contact Richard Pickering and Rob Earle

List of names of Club Members who are approved to sign off DBS: DS, CA, PP  SD to confirm re Dianne Wooler.

DS requested that each Sub committee conduct an audit of all licenses and DBS to ensure coaches, officials, helpers, team managers etc are all compliant.

Suggestion that Sub Committees are asked to meet and report back before the next scheduled mtg, with reps from both committees in attendance.

Date of next Meeting 24 February 7pm by zoom

Mtg ended 8pm