Committee Meeting 7th March 2017

Minutes of Colchester Harrier Committee Meeting
Pegasus Club Garrison Track 7th March 2017

Present: Apologies
Lance Williams (President) Caroline Sutton ( Treasurer)
Dave Smith ( Club Secretary) Becky Cooke
Chris Jeggo (Membership Secretary & Chair) Dominic King
Rachel Abbott, Chris Manby
Chris Akehurst, Jacqui Young ( SAL Team Manager)
Daniel King
Dave Lacy
Rachel Rodgers
Paul Rodgers
Paul Strutt

Co-opted Members
Jo Speller (EYAL Team Manager)
John Stevens ( SAL Team Manager)
Louise Stevens ( SAL Team Manager)

1 Apologies
The apologies were accepted
2. Previous Minutes
2a. Accuracy
– It was confirmed that the committee approved the purchase of 6 javelins, a pair in each weight range, and asked Chris to liaise with Rick on this.
2b Matters arising from the last minutes
– Volunteers
o A coaches meeting is arranged for Thursday 9th March. Minutes to be circulated to the committee
o An email was sent looking for a volunteer pool of resource. One response was received from the 374 club members.
o It was felt the personal approach would be more beneficial than emails
o It was noted that C Jeggo had communicated his intention not to renew his membership for 2017.18 and therefore would step down from his roles with the club after March.
– Club Kit
o Fastrax have provided details of a generic green kit. They also have offered a bulk discount structure for single purchases. This was attractive to the committee. If the pricing is competitive the products should be launched to members
– Club Matters
o A welfare policy had been developed, this was based on the UKA template

– Track Development
o A meeting has been held between The Garrison Track Management Committee, CATS & Harriers. Notes were distributed at the meeting
– Essex 20
o The event was a success, and raised around £2,000 for the club.
o The committee recognised the efforts of those Harriers that volunteered to support the event, and approved the purchase of gifts of appreciation to those nominated by the President.
o The President expressed his disappointment that the venue was left in the state that it was. The committee will write to those clubs involved, starting with those with the most competitors at the event, and ask that they remind its members of their responsibilities to leave an event in a clean state.

3. Hosted Events
– The club is to host a SAL meeting on 17th June and an EYAL meeting on 30th July
– Concern was expressed on how the club came to be hosting the EYAL event. Thanks was given to Chris Akehurst on his work to get the key elements of the meeting arranged.
– Separate meetings have been arrange to discuss the progress of these events. The committee is to be advised if any problems arise
– First Medics have been arranged for the SAL, they also need arranging for the EYAL

4. Track usage
– The club appears to be having more people use the track, with not the same increase in membership
– It was noted the club’s policy at the gate was not as robust as other clubs.(lack of volunteers?)
– The President confirmed that the usage policy was for first or second claim members and invited guests who are affiliated to England Athletics.
– A list of current members is to be given to the coaches to ensure only current members the track.
– The committee members will check membership records at the gate on a periodic basis

5. Southern Athletics League Structure
– All member clubs have received proposal about a restructure. The merits of a reduction in matches were considered. The club will communicate its preferred option which is to remain with the current format.

6. Travel Policy
– The committee had been requested for advice on expenses. The travel policy is to be confirmed. This is based that all reasonable expenditure incurred by volunteers will be reimbursed by the club, subject to it being approved correctly. Mileage is to be 20p per mile.

7 Any Other Business
– Website
o The Committee was reminded that there is an area on the clubs website for Committee matters to be posted. It was agreed that committee business should be transparent to members
o P Strutt was asked to provide login details to the Club’s website. This lack of uptake of members to the previous instructions is very frustrating to Paul. It had been agreed that the upload of reports / news to the website would be down to all those nominated

– The President acknowledged the contribution of C Jeggo to the administration of the club over the past three years.

8 Meeting was closed at 21:00

9 Next Meeting
– This is planned for Tuesday 18th April. The Club Secretary asked if Dominic King could chair the meeting?
Dominic King.