Notice of the Annual General Meeting
In accordance with the Club’s Constitution I hereby give notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will take place at 7:30pm on Friday 22nd January 2021.
In view of the current Covid 19 rules it will not be possible to hold this meeting in the clubhouse at this time. The meeting will therefore be an online meeting using Zoom. If you are a paid up/life/honorary member of the club and wish to attend the AGM please confirm by email to [email protected] by noon on 22nd January 2021 at the latest so that I may email the meeting code and password to you prior to the meeting together with the supporting documentation i.e. Agenda, Financial Report etc.
The AGM will include an election for all executive and general committee posts. During the last few weeks a number of members have resigned from the committee or have indicated that they will not be standing for re-election at the AGM. The club therefore needs new people to join the committee to drive the club forward in the next stage of its development. Is this something that you are interested in doing?
The committee are currently preparing job descriptions for the various committee posts. These will be posted on the club website in the next few days once they have been finalised. If you are interested in any of the committee positions you will need to have a proposer and seconder. In the current situation we will not be posting the list of nominations on the club noticeboard. We will provide details of how to propose/second nominations in due course. Please note that a member cannot be elected to the Management Committee until they have been a fully paid up member for two complete years. The Management Committee posts are defined in the Club Constitution as Honorary President, Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Club Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary.
As is normal for an AGM there will not be an “Any other business” item on the Agenda. If you wish to raise a specific item for discussion or propose a motion for voting on at the meeting you must email [email protected] by 8th January 2021 with full details for inclusion on the Agenda. Please note that the Club Constitution states that if you wish to propose a motion for voting on at the AGM you will require a seconder and both you and the seconder must attend the meeting.
Chris Akehurst, Vice Chairman, Colchester Harriers AC