Minutes of Zoom Committee Meeting on Tuesday 24th November 2020

Colchester Harriers AC

Zoom Meeting Minutes

Tuesday 24th November 2020


Chris Akehurst (Vice Chairman)                     Keith Marley (Treasurer)

Paul Preston (Membership Secretary)           Allen Smalls

Sally Dobson                                                   Nicola Hilson (Minutes)

Maxine Simon


Richard Pickering

Caroline Sutton

Covid 19 update / Getting back to the track (Maxine Simon)

Maxine Simon Track and Field representative, Richard Pickering endurance – offsite representative

Risk assessments all passed to enable the track coaching to resume.

1 positive Covid case in the club which was safely managed as Covid rules were in place.

Awaiting EA guidelines to numbers allowed back on the track once it reopens.

SD to ask DS to check with Sodexo once new guidelines known if any change needed to RA and Action Plans .  All info to be re circulated to coaches and uploaded to website and FB.

Membership secretarys report (Paul Preston)

310 paid up members, lower income from membership is to be expected in current climate due to reduced fee payable by club members.

Some members have set up monthly direct debits for the purpose of paying training fees.

Treasurers report (Keith Marley)

No outgoings apart from British Triathlon membership fee and other affiliations, club funds at present time remain healthy.

Update from Vice Chairman (Chris Akehurst)

Resignation of Lance was not a shock, he was planning to step down at the next AGM but with ongoing health problems he made the decision sooner.

A formal response needs to be actioned with regard to Lance’s and Rachel’s resignation. All agreed that Chris would do this.

Chris agreed to stay on until the next AGM but would then step down he would however still be available for some ad hoc coaching  and would be prepared to mentor a jumps coach, and continue to do certain other jobs that he currently does.

Sub committee reports


Due to Richard Pickering’s absence there was nothing reported with regard to endurance.

Track and Field

SAL have confirmed there will be no league for 2021 but instead there will be localised competitions (this also applies to other age groups, with possible event specific comps along the lines of our Development Throws meets)   and they would be keen for Colchester Harriers to host one.

No news from EYAL or Masters

There may be some indoor competitions this winter for juniors held under very strict rules. Sally did not have further details at this stage.

A few items of equipment have been purchased from another club:  hammers and a hammer’s stand.

Overall training has gone well, less injuries being sustained due to grass training but there has obviously been less speed work due to uneven ground.

Despite the year the Club has 12 athletes ranked in UK top 20 across a range of events and age groups – the heavy throws squad leading the way.

Members of the committee

We need to identify people in the club who would take on responsibility.

Discussed possible candidates for specific roles and discussed the need for a job description for each position available so willing candidates know what the role entails.

Track and Field crisis (Sally Dobson)

The club has lost a number of T & F coaches over the past few years and no new recruitment during that time – leaving the club desperately short of technical skills. It is a big commitment and it is apparent that no one wants to take on these roles or shadow a coach to gain experience.

Discussed creating a working party to try to formulate a plan to ‘save’ /develop track and field: to look at what we can offer, where we are, where we want to be or what options are available.


Date set for 22nd January 2021.

There is a need to fill the vacancies which have been created.


Club kit probably 9 months left on the deal, no monies come in since lockdown but there is no demand for the kit at present.

Meeting Closed 9:10pm