Minutes of Colchester Harrier Committee Meeting Pegasus Club Garrison Track 29th August 2017

Dave Smith (Club Secretary)
Chris Jeggo (Membership Secretary & Chair)
Jacqui Young (SAL Team Manager)
Dominic King

Co-opted Members:
Sally Dobson

Lance Williams (President)
Caroline Sutton ( Treasurer)
Rachel Abbott
Chris Akehurst
Daniel King
Dave Lacy
Jo Speller (EYAL Team Manager)
Louise Stevens ( SAL Team Manager)
John Stevens ( SAL Team Manager)
Paul Strutt

1 Apologies
The apologies were accepted, the chair thanked those who were able to attend the meeting.

2 Minutes of Meeting
– The minutes of 11th July were approved as accurate and are to be published.

3 Matters arising from the last minutes
– Club Kit
o The club continues to investigate an improved range of kit. LW
o A complaint against the membership secretary remains open LW/DL
o The committee regretfully accepted the resignation of its road runners members

– Open meeting
o An U13/U11 event is provisionally arranged for the 14th October

– Fun Day
o It felt this would be better at the beginning of the season.
o The England Athletics volunteer pack was distributed
o The club must reinforce the need for support with new members or their parents. JY / TM

– High Jump Bed
o An email was sent to the Garrison from the CAT’s and Harriers. No response has been received by either club.

– Investment
o An email was sent to the Garrison with respect to potential funds available to the Harriers, CATS and Hockey club. The email has yet to be acknowledged.

o The club secured their division one status with a close third place finish at their final meeting.

o The club successfully hosted the meeting on the 30th July.
o Help was provided by John Saunders of CAT’s

– Colchester Sports Awards
o The club is to sponsor the U18 team award. The event is at the Weston Homes stadium on 20th November
o The club will ask Dave Lacy to present the award.
o The club should promote its athletes / coaches for the awards.

– Track usage
o It has been confirmed the Harriers can hire the track until 21:00
o The policy on track etiquette issue by the lead coach is not being followed and needs to be reissued and enforced for the benefit of all the users of the track.
o The option of a staggered start times should be investigated.

– Outstanding Actions
o The club’s membership system is to be reviewed so that those responsible for under eighteen have affirmed that the club can use images of those in their care, the club is to also consider the garrison track policy
4 Athletics in Colchester
– The club have been aware of certain issues within the CAT’s which may have an impact on the Harriers.
o The CAT’s AGM is on the 13th September, It is understood that proposals at this may bring these issues to a head.
o The club therefore needs a contingency plan to allow for a structure within the club to support athletics in Colchester

5 Committee Structure
– There is no longer any representation of the road runners on the committee. This is not acceptable given their contribution to the club. This is to be raised with David Wright.

6. 2018 meetings
– The club intends to enter teams into the SAL & EYAL
– The team managers are to remain the same with the exception of Paula Goddard replacing Jo Speller
– The club aim to host a home meeting for the SAL and are in discussion with starters about availability.
– The SAL contacts list requires updating for the clubs current stucture

7. Annual General Meeting
– The AGM is due to be held in October.
– The committee should consider any proposals for amendments to the club’s constitution for the next meeting.

8. Awards Evening
– It was felt that it was important to recognise those that consistently supported the club at events, as well as those that achieved individual / team success.
– Senior awards
o Dates and venue are to be agreed with Dave Wright.
o The awards should reflect the performances of all of the parts of the club
– Junior awards
o The club would prefer to host the evening at a different venue this year.
o Team managers and coaches are to circulated as to their recommendations

9. AOB
– Track closure
o The Track will be closed from the 11th September until the 26th September for refurbishment works. The Clubhouse will still be open.
o CCTV will be installed, the garrison’s policy will have to be considered
o The club remains concerned about the lack of communication about the developments of the track facilities.

10. Meeting was closed at 21:00

11 Next Meeting
This is planned for Tuesday 10th October.