Committee Meeting Minutes 23.3.18
Colchester Harriers AC
Minutes of committee meeting :-Tuesday 23/03/2018
Apologies :-Caroline Sutton, Rachael Abbott
Minutes from the last meeting accepted and approved
Meeting started with a discussion over club kit;
SD – raised having black shorts as a standard requirement for all competing athletes, this would provide a uniform identity and is something other clubs make a requirement.
LW – Confirmed he had spoken to British Athletics who stated that the kit registered Green Singlets, tops long and short with the Harrier logo, there was not mention of black shorts or bottoms.
CM – Said it would be hard to endorse in the road running side of the club.
LW – stated that this change needs open discussion with the membership and suggested this as an item for the AGM, this was agreed.
CM – will source black shorts / bottoms to be sold as part of the club kit.
SD – Asked what the committee is intending doing with the old stock of hoodies there seemed disparity between the cost of the new and old, there ensued discussion over pricing.
MS – Suggested that all club kit including the existing stock be moved under Craigs control, the committee agreed to sell the old stock at a loss if necessary.
CM – To provide samples of black shorts
SD – Confirmed that the club is going ahead with the club kit photo shoot, preparations for the shoot will be in place in the near future.
Treasurers Report
The clubs bank account/s are looking healthy; amounts were given to those attending
CM – Raised the matter of help for the needy
DS – There had already been a discussion about the setting up of a development fund for up & coming athletes and the hard up so this carries on well from that.
LW – Small management group to be set up to assess applications
SH – Raised the overnight costs for those entered into the National Inter counties, all agreed that the club should refund Ramadam’s costs for competing at this competition.
Group conversation regarding the fund and what it should be called.
LW asked that this item be covered at a later date.
SD – Mentioned that Annette Bland had already registered and started looking at clubmark, Paul Hicks is also able to help.
SH – raised Access to the membership list for all coaches.
CA – Various levels of access can be set up through web collect but it’s not the easiest site to work with.
SD – offered the services of her husband who works within the industry.
LW & CA – Due to the number of names on the site currently 625 many are names of members that have left the club and require deleting from the system, the club pays a few based on membership and they both felt we are now sitting in the wrong band as current membership stands around 375.
MG – Agree LW & CA will review the future of the site.
SD – Mini comp
The mini comp has been organised by Annette Bland age groups U15,U13 & waiting list, Events 60, 600, Cricket ball throw and Long Jump, cost to the athlete £5.00.
Agreed that the club should purchase 10 x training hurdles, plus some throws equipment for Rick
SD – Club survey was sent out for comment but several had found it difficult to open, SD changed format and has asked for feedback and any changes that maybe needed.
All agreed prize should be a cash prize.
SD – said she would like to have sent out the survey within 2 months
Track closure
DS confirmed track will be closed from Monday 26th to Friday 20th April.
LW – said that the club was happy to help those travelling to other areas to train
Agreed fuel £0.20ppm maximum use of the vehicle payment should not be to individuals but based on a car load, the club will also help with the increased cost of entry.
Colchester Harriers – 15 miles
Proposed new date 7th only cost to the club was the hire of the toilets and this was just a notional amount for collecting the Porta loos of £60.00, everyone involved have been notified and are happy to cover the event in October.
The question was asked should the clubs facebook account become a closed account, all agreed that this was the best option.
Additional Administrators Steph offered her services along with Clive Thomas, Maxine also offered to help with the site.
Meeting closed – 20.55pm
Next Meeting – Tuesday 24th April