Minutes of Committee Meeting 23rd May, Approved 11/07/2017
1 Apologies
The apologies were accepted, the chair thanked those who were able to attend the meeting at short notice.
2. Committee Structure
The options were discussed on how to fill the roles of
– Chairman
– Secretary
– Membership Secretary
These roles are open to those that have been members for over two years.
With a disappointing response to previous attempts it was agreed for a more personalised approached would be tried.
It should be emphasised that the roles can include a minimum of tasks. A list of tasks involved for each role is to be published.
3 Club Strategy
– It was questioned whether the visions of the club are being followed? It was agreed that without a settled committee structure it would be difficult to move the club forward. It was noted however that sub groups within the club continue to optimise resources available. This was evidenced by the recent reorganisation of the middle / long distance
– It was felt that there are aspects of the club were being decided on social media. Whilst this was agreed, these were at low level and showed members wanted to be active in the club
o It was accepted that social media forms a large part of the lives of a number of the membership, As long as club content can be policed, and appropriate action taken if required, it should be encouraged.
– In response to a question it was stated that young athletes are encouraged to try a range of events, only beginning to specialise at U17 level
4. UKA Photography Guidelines
– UKA have published updated guidelines
– The committee felt it remains impossible to police the use of photography given the advancement in technology
– Members should raise any issues with either their coach or one of the welfare committee.( Rachel Abbot, Dave Lacy, Lance Williams)
– The club’s membership system is to be reviewed so that those responsible for under eighteen have affirmed that the club can use images of those in their care
– The club is to consider the garrison track policy
5. Club Photographer
– The club has been asked to approve a club photographer to improve the quality of images available for the web site & press.
– Club member Joe Wilkin has been asked to consider the role
– Subject to agreeing the role in detail and background checks the committee accepted this proposal
6. SAL meeting
– The Harriers host Basingstoke & Mid Hants, Bracknell and Nene Vallley Harriers on 17th June
– Contact needs to be made with the Garrison about overflow parking
– The urgent remedial work promised to the track remains outstanding. The SAL can proceed with the one jump track. It was felt that the Harriers should work alongside the CATS to progress this work.
7 Pole Vault
– The committee acknowledged the work by Chris Akehurst in developing the event within the club
– The committee approved the purchase of three poles 90lb, 110lb and 130lb plus a lockable bag to store them in.
– Race for Life
o The Colchester event is on 16th July. Rachel Abbot asked for support from the club. Any members that are able to support the event please contact [email protected]
o The club will publish this through its social media accounts
– Club Kit
o Samples of vests & hoodies had been sourced by Craig Mitchell in colour linked to the current version
o The committee expressed a preference to support a local supplier
o The committee asked for details on the range of products available and how the kit would be purchased.
9 Meeting was closed at 21:00
10 Next Meeting
This is planned for Tuesday 4th July.
11 Post Meeting Note.
Craig Mitchell has expressed an interest in joining the committee. He is to be invited to the July meeting.