53-12 AGM Minutes


Colchester Harriers, Colchester & Tendring AC, 53-12 Multisports, Great Bentley Running Club, Hadleigh Hares, Halstead Road Runners, Harwich Runners, Ipswich Jaffa, Mid-Essex Casuals, Springfield Striders, Tiptree Road Runners, Witham Running Club.


Apologies for Absence

All clubs present

Minutes of End of Season meeting Thursday 5th March 2015

The minutes were read and accepted

Matters Arising

First Aid provision at fixtures – ARC advice read out.

“The organisers will ensure that their Risk Assessment includes an assessment of medical support required and that suitably qualified and trained medical/first aid personnel will be present at the Race Finish and on course, according to the race nature and distance, number of entrants and weather conditions. For some small events it may be appropriate to use suitably trained, competent club and other volunteer first aiders. No event should have fewer than two first aiders. A person shall be regarded as occupationally competent where he or she has sufficient training and experience to meet the national occupational standards relevant to the tasks within their identified role. This includes knowing the limits of personal knowledge, skills and experience.”


It was agreed that the Secretary would contact Essex Medics to obtain a cost for hosting all six fixtures. Harwich have a good relationship locally with St. John so may wish to retain their services.


ACTION – Secretary to contact Essex Medics and obtain a quotation which will be sent to all clubs hosting an event during the 2015/16 season


Results programme designed by Witham.  Agreed that Witham would host the first event and the spreadsheet can then be sent on to other clubs if required.

Election of Officers for 2015/16 Season

Ed Page agreed to continue as Chairman and Malcolm Bailey as secretary/treasurer. The meeting supported the nominations.

2015-16 Fixtures

Dates and host clubs are:-


November 1st –    Witham

November 15th – Harwich

December 6th –   Halstead


January 24th –       Hadleigh

February 14th –    Springfield

February 28th –    Ipswich

Website Hosting Contribution

Each club agreed to contribute £5 to the overall cost charged by the web site host company. All Monies paid to the Treasurer at the meeting. (Receipt attached)

Any other business

Great Bentley Running club asked whether juniors are insured when they run at 53-12 XC events. They do not have a junior section and only register with England Athletics (“EA”) their children if they are older than 12 years.

Each club has third party insurance through EA and because of the issues surrounding insurance our junior events are classified as a ‘Fun Run’ and not a race.

The minimum age of juniors in the fun run was also clarified as 8 years by the date of the event

Date for 2015/16 End of Season meeting

10th March 2016 – 8pm at Garrison track, Colchester