Notice of AGM
CHAC’s AGM will take place on Thursday 26th October at 7pm in the Pegasus Clubhouse at the Garrison Tack. As discussed at the most recent committee meeting, training will be limited, short and sweet.
All fully paid-up members who are 14 years and over are currently eligible to vote at the AGM and are encouraged to attend.
As per the Clubs Constitution any proposal for motions must be submitted in writing to the Club Secretary Steph Maltby at least 14 days prior to the meeting; the cut-off date being Thursday the 12th of October.
There is a no “other business” option on the agenda of an AGM. Members wishing to raise a point must either place a proposal on the agenda as detailed above or ask the Chairman for discussion time after the conclusion of the meeting. These motions must be proposed and seconded, and the proposal and seconder must attend the meeting.
As per the Clubs Constitution all members of the Committee will be elected at the AGM. Officers positions are: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Club Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and two Welfare Officers. The Chairpersons of the Endurance and Track & Field Sub Committees will also be elected. Nomination forms will be posted on the CHAC notice board inside the Pegasus Clubhouse.
To be proposed a member must have paid a membership for two full years.