NESS Xc 10 February 2019

**Please read updated information file, the previous file has been been replaced by the race organiser**

Attached is the information pack regarding Hadleigh Hares forthcoming hosting of the next NESS league race on the 10th February 2019.
A few additional notes from Hadleigh Hares:

  • As a club we are trying to cut down on the amount of plastic we use. With this in mind we will only be covering the wooden dance floor area within Hadleigh United Football Club with plastic. We ask that runners leave their muddy running shoes outside the football club and we will be providing a tarpaulin area for the purpose. Obviously all shoes are left at the owner’s risk and the club can not accept any responsibility for any lost/mislaid items.
  • The farm estate that the race is run on has asked us to bring to all runners and spectators attention that it is strictly forbidden for anyone to tamper with any farm machinery that may be on the land. We have never seen any machinery on the areas where the race takes place but we have to make everyone aware of this for risk assessment and insurance purposes.
  • We hope to be able to use an area of the field for car parking but in the event of bad weather making it too muddy and unsuitable for cars, please use the carparks in the town. All are within about a 10-15mins walk to the start of the race and are shown in the information pack.
  • Finally, please be aware that Duke Street and Toppesfield Bridge that approaches the football club and race start area is a fairly narrow road. Residents of Duke Street and drivers do get upset when the road is obstructed by unthoughtful and careless parking. Please could we ask that you DO NOT park along here and use the field (weather permitting) and car parks in Hadleigh town.