Back on Track
Tuesday 20 October will see some lucky members of Harriers return to the track for training after almost seven months.
As not all coaches are able to return at present, sadly this means not all our Junior members in particular are able to make a return to their chosen activities.
All coaches have been sent the action plan and guidelines for use of the track and facilities – please refer to your coach if you have not already seen them.
In order to ensure we are complying with UKA guidelines and the Government it is imperative that all members abide by the rules.
Prior to entering the Garrison track all persons will be asked verbally ( or through use of a whats App Group) to confirm that neither they or anyone they live with have symptoms of Covid 19 as indicated by UK Chief Medical Officer or if any member is self-isolating due to being identified in the extremely vulnerable group. All coaches have a proffered communication channel with their athlete ie Whats App – this will be used to confirm symptom status.
Athletes to be reminded not to share lifts with anyone outside of their household and to only use Public Transport as a very last resort.
Please see the CHAC Action Plan and info graphic to clarify social distancing, time of training and lane allocation for social distancing.
Colchester Harriers Athletics’ Club COVID-19 Coordinator is ……Maxine Simon (Deputy Richard Pickering)
Under EA guidelines Tier 2 restrictons will only affect CHAC outdoor activities if a coach or club member travels from a Tier 3 Restricted area and wishes to commence training.
Tier 2 indoor restrictions do not affect any aspect of CHAC activities in regards to the hire of Garrison track and facilities . Use of clubhouse is as per Sodexo guidelines which have been circulated to all members who have been offered a place to train with a coach.
Stay safe – and enjoy your training.