Colchester Harriers AC Memberships – Important message from Paul Preston, Membership Secretary


About four weeks ago I located a fault in the England Athletics database, where some of our members had been changed from Affiliated to Not Registered, even though their Affiliation Fee had been paid months ago. I have been spending the last few weeks going through the database and ‘believe’ as of today all have now been fixed by EA. However as I have hundreds to check and you only have one, can you all please check that you are showing as affiliated on the EA Licence Checker at the following link

(Please ensure when checking that you are entering EITHER your Unique Registration Number (URN), OR, your Name and Date of Birth, not all of these, as it will give an error if you enter all details)

If you are not showing as Registered, (and have not joined/renewed within the last week), then please message me directly to my inbox on here so I can investigate asap.

Also at this time, I would urge you to take 5 minutes to check your contact details are correct that you have supplied to us within your membership, as we have found several bounced email addresses seem to exist for some of you, which will affect how easily we can contact you. This is not only for membership purposes, but also for opportunities to take part in certain events, League details, and many other reasons. Please log in and check these details at this link

Thank you all